Saturday, June 29, 2002

this is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass

In other news, i met up with yilo and hyung min at do hwa, a chi chi korean restaurant in the west village. there i was served delicious fried shrimps from a white bartender. damn that white boy sure knew how to prepare some good ass korean shrimps...actually, it was his mexican homeboy in the back that made em, i think.

tim joined us soon thereafter. suddenly i had the bright idea to suggest that we go bowling after me and yilo had a rousing scene recall session regarding the big lebowski. everyone was down. good call me.

we headed to bowlmoor lanes in the heart of greenwich village. they had some weird ass neon pin shit goin on and i couldn't see nada. unlike the picture, the lanes were completely dark and it fucked with my game to no end. i bowled a miserable 70 the first game but bounced back in fine form in the second round to capture a match-high 147. yilo only needed 6 pins in the last frame to beat tim and hyung min but he ended up knocking down 5. we tied. argh.

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