Monday, October 28, 2002

weekend roundup
it was a fun weekend. too bad the giants lost the Series yesterday. DJ Cloo had a birthday bash this weekend at Angel in the LES. I was an hour late b/c I was watching the Giants choke in Game 6. Fucken losers.

I also didn't take any uppers so i reverted to my college style of drinking which amounts to me drinking too much and then passing out wherever. But before I passed out, i managed to make a few classic memories:

I smashed an over-frosted birthday cupcake in my mouth and then started walking around talking to people as if everything was normal.

I slipped a bouncer 20 bucks to let my brother into the club, the first doorman-greasing of my career.

Right before I passed out, I got more comfortable by taking off my shoes, which is not that weird, but i guess some of DJ Cloo's work friends thought i was a weirdo.

I put a drink on this staircase and some jerk kicked it over and it spilled all over DJ Cloo's boss and then I paused 5 seconds before apologizing for some other fool's big ass feet.

I managed to eat 1.5 slices of pizza before passing out completely.

ps. i cut my hair.

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